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TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3 的常见问题
1. TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3安装如何与我的家庭自动门系统一起工作来限制进入和退出?

首先,TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3通过继电器触点连接到自动门控制器。使用i-TimeTec App将开门命令通过蓝牙发送到TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3。 TimeTec Autogate - 然后BLE 3将转换命令并将其转发到自动门控制器以打开门。

2. TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3将如何响应我的智能手机?其他人可以安装相同的应用程序,并通过蓝牙连接到TimeTec自动门 - BLE 3吗?

在安装过程中,i-TimeTec App会要求您输入密码(蓝牙配对代码),以便通过蓝牙连接TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3。请注意,在连接到TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3后,您必须更改此密码。这是为了避免任何未经授权的人使用相同的应用程序来中断TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3。

3. How could I allow my family members to open the autogate using i-TimeTec App in their smartphones?

You can create login access (email address) under your account for your family members. They can then login to i-TimeTec App using their smartphones to view the list of accessible autogates.

4. How could I allow my friends or relatives to use i-TimeTec App to temporarily open the autogate, e.g. a visit.

You can create login access (email address) under your account for your family members. They can then login to i-TimeTec App using their smartphones to view the list of accessible autogates.

5. 在我安装了TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3之后,仍然可以使用现有的自动门控遥控器来打开门控吗?

是的,您现有的遥控器仍然照常使用自动门。 TimeTec自动门控 - BLE 3不影响现有的遥控信号。

6. 如果我的邻居在他/她的自动门上安装了TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3,这个安装是否会影响我的?

否。来自TimeTec Autogate的打开门命令 - BLE 3包含信息以及唯一密码(在安装期间设置)。如果TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3收到包含错误密码的打开门命令,它将忽略该命令。因此,您无需担心您的邻居使用他/她的i-TimeTec应用程序打开您的自动门。

7. 如果我的家人或我换成新的智能手机怎么办?我们是否需要再次在i-TimeTec App中注册另一个新帐户?

不,您只需要在新智能手机中安装并登录i-TimeTec App。然后,i-TimeTec App将通过电子邮件为您提供唯一的代码。请检查您的电子邮件以查看唯一代码并将其插入i-TimeTec App。此操作是允许将现有智能手机标记为主设备。因此,如果有人使用您的旧智能手机登录,系统将立即阻止它。

8. My residential area is still newly developed and does not have Mobile Internet access. Can I still use i-TimeTec App to open my autogate?

Yes, i-TimeTec App can still be used to send an open gate command to TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3. However, you cannot perform any action regarding management of users and temporary passes (which requires internet connection to the server). Please connect to any WiFi or hotspot in case you want to manage the users or temporary passes.

9. 使用智能手机而不是遥控器有什么好处?

遥控器很容易丢失,被盗或损坏,因为它除了解锁门外没有其他功能。另一方面,智能手机不仅方便,因为它可以控制TimeTec Barrier,而且对于任何拥有现代生活方式的人来说都是一个非常私人的对象。

10. 可以将TimeTec自动门 - BLE 3安装在所有类型的自动门或屏障中吗?

市场上存在很多障碍,你很难找到任何即插即用系统。在初始安装过程中可能需要一定程度的定制。如果您想要与TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3集成,请在info@timeteccloud.com写信给我们。

11. 为了操作TimeTec Autogate - BLE 3,我们需要什么类型的智能手机?或者我们是否需要在智能手机中找到针对此问题的特定功能?


12. 安装BLE-3后,我仍然可以使用旧的RF遥控器来打开自动门控吗?如果是,将TimeTec Keyfob作为可选的遥控器有什么好处?

是。您仍然可以使用旧的RF遥控器,而不是将TimeTec Keyfob作为备份,以备不携带智能手机的人使用。但是拥有Keyfob的好处是,您可以跟踪所有激活活动,管理员可以选择接收实时通知。此外,如果您的自动门系统与其他智能家居设备(例如IP摄像头)集成,则Keyfob或智能手机打开自动门可触发摄像头捕获即时图像。